Malam Raya

What is your name:

How old are you:
17 :)

When is your birthday:

Are you looking forward to it:

Not interested celebrating birthday.

What make you happiest:
Him flying to UK again.

Are you afraid of something:

Do you live alone, or with some else?:
My friends and I, we choose to cramp in a small three-storey house.

What is your favourite cartoon:

What kind of cell phone do you have:
N97, V9

Do you like it?:
Why not?

What is the funniest word you ever heard?:
For today: Some words are Channel No5, some words are Belacan. :)

Do you hate it when people call you 'dear'?:

What is your favourite movie?:
A Malaysian ghost movie. Really cant recall the name of the movie. Remember watching it with couple of friends and him. There's a part when the ghost came out and he screamed something like, 'Ya Allah, muka dia' before covered his face with a pillow. Iskiskisk.

What is your favourite song?:
The Best Thing in The World; Mocca.

What is your favourite place to chill out?:

Do you work out?:
Too lazy.

Do you wear any jewelery:

What is your favourite memory of the past couple of years?:
July 2010.

What is your goal for the year?:
Eat less, weight more ;)

What do you think about when you first wake up?:
What time is it?

List three things you cannot live without:
Laptop, Phones, Books (Well, I'm a geek)

What is your best physical feature:
Thick eyebrows ;p

Is there anything you regret?:
A lot.

What is your most over-used phrase:
Huh. The F word. I curse a lot. *berubahberubah*

Are you currently with someone?:

Do you love him/her?:
Well, Yes. ;)

Who said 'I Love You' first?:

Through phone.

What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do?:
Sleeping whilst I'm driving. He's very romantic. ;)

Is there anything you wont tolerate in a relationship?:

Where did you meet your significant other?:
Inside a friend's phone. I find his nickname interesting ;p

Have you ever broken up?:
It's a norm.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?:
I'll break people who broke mine. Boleh?

When is your significant other's birthday:
May, 4

When is you anniversary?:

Does this person know you better than anyone else?:
Of course he does.

Is this person younger than you?:
Nah. We finished school in the same year.

Where was your first date?:
Pudu. It's the best place on earth okay. ;)

Where was the last place you went together?:


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